College Cost Estimate Calculator

Note: This calculator can be used by undergraduate students to estimate their costs for the 2023-2024 academic year, which includes Fall 2023 and Spring 2024. 请与 一站 team if you have questions regarding the summer semester.
参观 Office of 学生会计's website 回顾 2023-2024 Tuition and Fee Schedule for more detailed information.

学费、书籍、 & 费用

USA offers in-state tuition to all out-of-state students awarded a scholarship for academic merit at the time of admission.
( 选学时)
24     40

住房 & 餐


Estimated Cost per Academic Year

Tuition for Fall and Spring Terms:
Course 费用 Based on College Selected:
Books, Supplies, Course Materials & 设备:
学费、书费合计 & 费用:

Estimated housing cost is based on average freshman housing rate.
总住房 & 食物:

Estimated Federal 金融援助:

Estimations as of Saturday November 4, 2023, 10:05 pm
参观 美国支付计划网站 to view our convenient payment plan options.

* USA offers in-state tuition to all out-of-state students awarded a scholarship for academic merit at the time of admission.
Note: This calculator can be used by undergraduate students to estimate their costs for the Fall 2023 semester or Spring 2024 semester. 请与 一站 team if you have questions regarding the summer semester.
参观 Office of 学生会计's website 回顾 2023-2024 Tuition and Fee Schedule for more detailed information.

学费、书籍、 & 费用

USA offers in-state tuition to all out-of-state students awarded a scholarship for academic merit at the time of admission.
( 选学时)
1     19
请注意 金融援助 is subject to adjustments for students that are planning on less than full-time enrollment. 
学者hip eligibility may also be impacted for less than full-time enrollment.

住房 & 餐



Semester Tuition (Fall or Spring Term):
Course 费用 Based on College Selected:
Books, Supplies, Course Materials & 设备:
学费、书费合计 & 费用:

Estimated housing cost is based on average freshman housing rate.
总住房 & 食物:

Estimated Federal 金融援助:

Estimations as of Saturday November 4, 2023, 10:05 pm
参观 美国支付计划网站 to view our convenient payment plan options.

* USA offers in-state tuition to all out-of-state students awarded a scholarship for academic merit at the time of admission.